Kate Knight Shiatsu

Utilising shiatsu massage, liquid crystals and Alexander techniques to help you create a more wholesome form of healing.

The aim of Kate's treatments are to re-balance the flow of energy in the body. When you have pain, tightness or dis-ease, clearing the channels (meridians) puts the body in a better place to get rid of this, or at the least, provide a space for understanding why the ailment is there. This is combined with stretches, joint rotations and joint manipulation to give an all-over treatment, which aims at treating the patient on a holistic level.

Shiatsu incorporates pressure, holding, rubbing, or stretching techniques which can be deep and firm, but which are applied with sensitivity. Alternatively, the pressure can be very light, using acupressure points to relieve muscle tension or help activate your own healing abilities.
Shiatsu is a deeply relaxing experience and regular Shiatsu sessions help to prevent the build up of stress. Common conditions helped by Shiatsu include: back pain, headaches, neck stiffness, joint pain and reduced mobility, menstrual problems, digestive problems, asthmatic symptoms, sports injuries, depression and stress.
Shiatsu is performed on a futon mattress on the floor with the receiver fully clothed. When coming for treatment, wear something loose and comfortable.
